Saturday, October 03, 2009

What do you suggest...

...not that it will matter but...

I was asked this morning at 10:45 am to speak tomorrow at the evening church service. That barely gives me 24 hours to prepare something. I'm rusty on all this.

So, you can give me your subject if you want, but I'm not going to check my email until after I get this thing finished. I've been mulling over the following:

a) the glory of God
b) the feeding of the 5000
c) Jonah
d) something totally controversial but what I do not know
e) anything on Leviathan but it's not as fresh as I would like to think
f) how to share the gospel with a Muslim
g) answering the question posed to me last week in SS on my thoughts on hell from Luke 16
h) imprecatory prayers and their use in today's world (my favorite so far)

I've spent anywhere from 2 seconds to 2 minutes so far meditating on each of the above topics. That means I need to stop blogging and start praying.

"Give me oil in my lamp keep it burning burning burning, give me oil in my lamp I pray, hallelulah..." (See here for more prayerful lyrics)

1 comment:

Pecheur said...

in case you care how it turned out. i put together 5 stories about glory of God and how that played out in Jesus.

It was the first time I storied to a large audience. I enjoyed it and I think it was well received. I don't see it replacing "preaching," as we know it, but it is certainly one more tool to use behind the pulpit and outside the walls of the church building.