Heb 11:9-11By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange
country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the
same promise:
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder
and maker is God.
country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the
same promise:
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder
and maker is God.
The analogy of the Christian life and a journey is nothing new. It was said of Abraham that he "sojourned" (KJV) in the land of promise by faith. Many writers have picked up on this theme and composed songs, books, and sermons showing the strong parallel to the believer's search for a "city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Off the top of my head, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and the line, "I wouldn't take anything or my journey now," come to mind.
Reading about the Christian life as analogous to a journey and living the Christian life as a journey are two different things. When one experiences a real journey and contemplates its spiritual implications, the analogy becomes more real, and one sees why the analogy is so good and often used.
Is the Journey worthwhile? A resounding YES. As stated before, this seems obvious, but upon closer examination, the answer is not so clear, howbeit still yes. I know that sounds a bit confusing, but maybe I can explain.

As we started the rain began to fall. We got our bearings and found our first red arrow. Thankfully, someone had told us where the map started, otherwise we would have been lost from the beginning. We read the map backwards. But at our first red arrow, we knew we were on the right track. After the peace of knowing we were traveling in the direction had subsided, we were a bit sad. For we had thought for sure there would be others who would be taking the journey with us. That was our purpose in taking the journey; to meet others in our community. Well, we were still close to home, we could bail or keep going. We decided to keep going, but with a different purpose. We could pray, and pray we did. As we passed houses and farms we prayed for them. We prayed we might even be instruments in helping them find their own peace. We felt like real explorers when our path left the concrete roads and turned into muddy forest trails up and down hills winding through farms. Since we were the first walkers on the trail, we figured the other walkers would sure be behind us. As John the Baptist paved the way for the coming Christ, so we also prayed the path for those who were to follow. "Lord, may those who pass the point, recognize You and seek you. Reveal yourself to them right here and let them feel You. Let them know You exist. Shine Light and Life into their lives, for the sake of Jesus..."
What wonderful things we got to see!! Cows, hillsides, houses, valleys, green countryside.
Suddenly, we noticed our little forest trail had ended. Surely, this can't be right. We have been following our red arrows. It was kind of weird when the path changed from the familiar paved path to the unfamiliar dirt one, but our map and the arrows had indicated this was surely the way. But what if we had misread both. Were we to really take this road of pure mud measuring about an inch deep of standing water?? Why would anyone make the trail go this direction? There was a smaller trail going the other direction. It did not have any mud on it, but it was also not on our map. But we did not want to take the mud trail especially since the rain was coming down even harder. There was only one thing to do. Go back to our last red arrow and make sure we had taken the direction it had indicated. If that led us on the muddy road, we had to take it.

I went back up a small hill and found our red arrow. It did indeed indicate that we were to take the muddy road. There was no choice. Now, I was wearing new hiking shoes designed for hiking and "waterproof." But they had not been tested. I could slip. I could get my feet wet. R was wearing boots that had failed her before. This darn muddy road would be treacherous, but we had no choice. we had to go forward as best we could, helping each other and telling each other where the best place to put our next step. We made it safely to the end of the road leaving behind us huge footprints where we had stepped safely to the end of the road.
To our surprise we were right in the middle of some one's cow farm. The cows were eating and it smelled so badly. We questioned AGAIN, if we had done the right thing. Why would the person who designed the course put the walkers on some one's smelly farm? But we had checked the course, doubled backed and made sure we were supposed to take that muddy road. This is where it lead us. Our map did not have a farm on it, so it was currently of no use. There were absolutely no red arrows anywhere. The only red arrows were pointing behind us back to where we had just traveled. "Is this journey really worth it?"-We asked ourselves silently. That bed was sure warm and dry while we are cold and wet and slightly lost.

When we got back to another paved road, the bikers and horse riders left us behind. Not too long after, we we were passed by other walkers. We exchanged "hello's," and it was obvious they had made the walk before. They were experts. I figured now there were walkers in front of us, walkers behind us;thus, we were surrounded by those making the journey with us. That was encouraging. For if something were to happen to us, those behind us may stop and lend assistance and if anyone ahead of us needed assistance as we passed we could offer help.
It was now time to make a turn. We looked at the map and found where we were. We just had one leg left back into town. We could see "town" (that's the good news), but we were steadily going downhill (that's the bad news because or town sits on a hill). This last leg would challenge us. We were already feeling tired. But there was no turning back. We were too far to go back, we had to march forward. There were so many little trails off to our sides. But warning markings told us not to proceed down them. But how tempting they were!! They appeared to lead us where we wanted to go but faster. But the map, the red arrows, and the markings all indicated that we should not go this way.
As we went we had to take more breaks, drink more water, and of course we get wetter as we went. While our course was now on the main road, we had to be careful not to get in any blind spots in the curves of the road. Cars were not paying attention to two drowned rats walking uphill.
This was the time we had to encourage each other. We were reading our map more and more, not for fear of getting lost or even finding the trail, but to have in our minds the next named spot. We talked to each other and we talked to ourselves saying we can do this, we have to do this, and we are not far from "X" place.

I can not begin to describe the feeling of "making it", seeing familiar faces, getting out of the rain, sitting down, and enjoying a huge homemade local crêpe and a glass of Coke.
Two days later our bodies are still feeling the affects of a 8km walk (We did it in 3 1/2 hours. Slow, I know, but we are excited we actually finished). Was the journey worth it? A resounding yes.
But only at the end is it that evident. We know it is worth it, but we won't realize it until we reach that city whose builder and maker is God. It is not always evident that our next step following behind Christ is worth it. That's why by faith we put one foot in front of the other. Our faith will end in sight as we enter Celestial City. It is only then we will be able to really say The Journey is indeed worth while. Until then we encourage each other to walk by faith.
Great article Pech! Very encouraging. ;-)
Thanks for taking the time to read it
Good article. You're right: it is very "Bunyanesque," but without giants and stuff.
I have two questions, one spiritual, one cultural.
Cultural: what was the purpose of the walk for the other participants? Was it exercise, heritage, nature, a combination?
More spiritual: Is the reason the journey is worth it only what is waiting at the end? Was your journey -- difficulties and all -- valuable only because of the blessing when you were finished? Is our journey of faith valuable only because heaven awaits? We long for "the city," but is that what makes the journey worthwhile?
Cultural: It is their church, I suppose. Just something the town organized (actually organized by friends of secularization in society).
Spiritual: The end certaintly will outweigh any benefits we may get while on the journey. But that does not mean there will not be value in the journey itself. We will help others find the path. We will be helped by others on the path etc. But when our faith becomes reality that will surpass any value we experienced here on the journey. That's not to say the joy we get from the journey is bad. It just doesn't compare to the future joy.
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